Found out I'm not a good candidate for a VBAC ( it if you're not sure). Since I couldn't deliver a 7 pounder the first time, chances are that my bones just aren't designed for delivering babies. But I still have plenty of time to consider my options.
Platelet recheck in 2 weeks. If they are too low at delivery I can't have an epidural or spinal. Not sure how that would work if I end up with a c-section. That's something I don't want to worry about right now. Hopefully my level will come back up towards the end like it did with Travis.
Thought I had lost a couple pounds this month. But then the nurse said the batteries in the scale I had used might be getting low. So I got on another scale to discover yet another 4 pound weight gain for the month! I think that brings me to 13 pounds total weight gain in 23 weeks.
Here's the belly...
Funny story about today's appointment...
Apparently my doctor's office was really behind schedule this morning. And I actually arrived about 15 minutes early. They let me go ahead back and pee in a cup anyway- they know not to make pregnant girls wait to use the potty! While I was back there, a nurse from the lab said "oh just come on back and I'll check your BP and weight now". After that, instead of sending me back to the waiting room, she sent me on to the waiting chairs in the back, by the docs' offices and exam rooms, and put my chart in the little bin outside my doc's door. It still wasn't even my original appointment time. I saw my doc racing around from room to room. She even said "Sorry for the wait, guys, it's a little crazy on Fridays". I didn't think much of it. I kept reading my Baby magazine. I noticed a girl outside another door must have been waiting a while and seemed impatient. A few minutes later my doc looked at me and said "Heather, come on in...". She was tinkering with my chart and seemed a little confused for a second and said "You're not Heather R___ you're Heather M___ right?" Yep, that's me. So she tinkered with her weird laptop tablet pc thing (they've recently switched to electronic charts) Ok, there you are... and my appointment continued. I finished my appointment and then had a visit with the insurance lady to discuss what insurance pays, how much I owe, blah blah blah for the entire pregnancy and delivery process. I came out of that appointment and random girl in the hall was still waiting. I went to the desk to pay and schedule my next appointments. As I walked away, random girl from the hall was now behind me at the desk and I hear her say in a huff "I'm going to need to reschedule. This is ridiculous. I've been waiting well over an hour and I need to get back to work...". The girls behind the desk of course were a little flustered and scrambling. Then I heard them ask her name... Heather R___ ! Ooooops. They called me back for her appointment. So I waited like 10 minutes and she had been waiting for almost an hour and a half. Sorry Heather R!