2.26.2010 - 23w belly shot and a checkup

heartrate = 140ish

Found out I'm not a good candidate for a VBAC (G.oo.gle it if you're not sure).  Since I couldn't deliver a 7 pounder the first time, chances are that my bones just aren't designed for delivering babies.  But I still have plenty of time to consider my options.

Platelet recheck in 2 weeks.  If they are too low at delivery I can't have an epidural or spinal.  Not sure how that would work if I end up with a c-section.  That's something I don't want to worry about right now.  Hopefully my level will come back up towards the end like it did with Travis.

Thought I had lost a couple pounds this month.  But then the nurse said the batteries in the scale I had used might be getting low. So I got on another scale to discover yet another 4 pound weight gain for the month!   I think that brings me to 13 pounds total weight gain in 23 weeks.

Here's the belly...

Funny story about today's appointment...
Apparently my doctor's office was really behind schedule this morning.  And I actually arrived about 15 minutes early. They let me go ahead back and pee in a cup anyway- they know not to make pregnant girls wait to use the potty!  While I was back there, a nurse from the lab said "oh just come on back and I'll check your BP and weight now".    After that, instead of sending me back to the waiting room, she sent me on to the waiting chairs in the back, by the docs' offices and exam rooms, and put my chart in the little bin outside my doc's door.  It still wasn't even my original appointment time.  I saw my doc racing around from room to room.  She even said "Sorry for the wait, guys, it's a little crazy on Fridays".   I didn't think much of it.  I kept reading my Baby magazine.  I noticed a girl outside another door must have been waiting a while and seemed impatient.   A few minutes later my doc looked at me and said "Heather, come on in...".   She was tinkering with my chart and seemed a little confused for a second and said "You're not Heather R___ you're Heather M___ right?"    Yep, that's me.  So she tinkered with her weird laptop tablet pc thing (they've recently switched to electronic charts)  Ok, there you are... and my appointment continued.  I finished my appointment and then had a visit with the insurance lady to discuss what insurance pays, how much I owe, blah blah blah for the entire pregnancy and delivery process.  I came out of that appointment and random girl in the hall was still waiting.  I went to the desk to pay and schedule my next appointments.  As I walked away, random girl from the hall was now behind me at the desk and I hear her say in a huff "I'm going to need to reschedule.  This is ridiculous.  I've been waiting well over an hour and I need to get back to work...".   The girls behind the desk of course were a little flustered and scrambling.   Then I heard them ask her name... Heather R___ !  Ooooops.  They called me back for her appointment.  So I waited like 10 minutes and she had been waiting for almost an hour and a half.   Sorry Heather R!


  1. I'm sorry they don't think you'd make a good candidate for a VBAC, I hope it works out however you want it to!

  2. She didn't tell me no. And she said at this point there is no reason I couldn't try again. But she said in terms of "good candidates" and "bad candidates", I fall in the bad candidates category. And of course it will all depend on his position and size, my platelets, and my pinched nerve situation come delivery time.

  3. Super cute belly...as always! :)

    LOL about the Heather mix up...although I'm sure Heather R was NOT laughing! ;)

    As for a VBAC...I've heard TONS of stories about women being told their bodies are too small for a 7-8 pound baby and VBAC'd a 10 pounder! You never know! Each situation is different, each labor is different, each baby is different! Did I ever give you the link to the VBAC board I was on? VERY resourceful and encouraging if you're interested!!!

  4. Michelle - I'd love the link so I can get as much info as possible! I'm still very undecided. I hear lots of success stories. But then I hear from moms who went with pre-planned c-sections and they say it's so much smoother - they give you a spinal, it's more calm, etc than ending up with an unplanned c-section. Since my epidural was a big FAIL with my first c-section, it was not a pleasant experience. And, to be honest, I'm a little afraid of going through that again if I try for VBAC and end up needing another unplanned c-section. Decisions, decisions. I hate making them!

  5. http://www.mothering.com/discussions/forumdisplay.php?f=21

    Not sure if I warned you or not, but the mamas there are very crunchy/granola! I've found myself becoming more and more so too...but only when it comes to birth! :) A passion I've discovered since my c-section! But they are also passionate about other things like cloth diapering, no vaccinating, no circumsizing. Which, I have no problem with, but I use disposables, vaccinate and circumsize! ;)

    So, take some of the info with a grain of salt....the main thing I got from there is the information, the education, and the confidence! Confidence was a BIG DEAL! In my circle of close friends (5 of us), every single one of us had a c-section!! 1 was planned (she wasn't showing signs of labor and just signed up for the c-section rather than induction) and the other 4 were "failed inductions", 3 of those 4 got to the pushing stage, the other 1 was at 7cm. 2 of us went on to do a VBAC, 2 went on to do a repeat c/s, the other one is about 11 weeks pregnant and thinking about a VBAC.

  6. I too have heard those that have a repeat c-section talk about how much easier the recover was than their c-section that was following a labor. But, a vaginal birth is even EASIER! But I totally understand that there are no guarentees. The thing that got me wanting it, or at the very least attempting it was, I didn't want to sign up for the c-section and always wonder, what if. If I tried and still had the c-section, at least I'd know, that's just how my babies were gonna come out. But, if I didn't try at all, I'd always be wondering.

    I have a few friends that were totally excited about the c-section and the idea of not a single contraction and knowing the day, time, and so on...so, if that's what they want, then okay!

    Good news is, you still have time to decide what's best for you!!!

    Sorry I'm typing so much...like I said, I've become very passionate about birthing since my c/s and more so since my pregnancy with Kaisley.

    I hope I'm not coming off as pushy, because it's obviously not my decision...I just don't want to leave anyone without a little more information or support, just in case it makes the difference in what they want in the end! :)

  7. PS. If you go to the site, I've recently posted a little vent, and I promise it was posted before I came here! :) :) So it wasn't in response to this!

    I was venting about not wanting to cross the line when I talk to people about VBAC's...which is why I really hope I didn't in my comments to you! :)

    But, my mom's group has recently had a discussion in which I'm biting my tongue REALLY REALLY REALLY hard right now...lol!

  8. LOL - you're not coming off as pushy! There is nothing wrong with being passionate about it. I appreciate all the info! I've only talked to one doc in my practice about it - there are 4 others whose opinions I will get, too, before I make a decision. I will check out the site you linked - I'm definitely not a crunchy mom - but I do like to read others' opinions/stories even if they are a little out there (compared to my not-out-there opinions)

    All in all, I just hate making decisions. I could try VBAC, succeed, and have a wonderful experience. I could try, succeed, and have a not-so-wonderful experience. I could try, fail, and end up with an uneventful, unplanned c-section. I could try, fail, and end up with a horribly painful unplanned c-section (again). Or I can say to hell with it and just pick a day for a repeat-c. Decisions, decisions, how I hate to make them!

    BTW - I ended up with a c-section the first time because my labor stalled and even after lots of pitocin, having my water re-broken (it leaked, then stopped), and having very hard, intense contractions (one on top of another, literally) I was making zero progress. He was stuck at negative-some-station and wasn't budging.

    I'll keep you posted :)

  9. Glad to hear I wasn't being pushy. I worry sometimes about coming off as one of those people that others think, OMG, give it a rest! But, I also don't want to keep anyone from info that may help them in the end! Even if it's the decision for a repeat c/s. Just so you make a decision that you feel is best!

    Yeah, I'm not a crunchy mom either, but Richard teases me when I start talking about birth because I've REALLY done, oh, I'd say a 140 in my views. I only say 140, instead of 180, because I never thought I'd end up with a c/s! But before Brookston I was 100% ready for an induction, epidural and "whatever you say doc". Now, I have VBAC'd almost naturally and plan to go for a natural VBAC again next time...and I question my docs like crazy! I've actually switched doctors NOW again, so I have the best of the best for next time! In regards to a VBAC friendly and natural friendly doc!

    It is a tough decision indeed, because going through the labor and STILL having a c/s, as we both know, sucks. But, if you do end up with a vaginal birth, even if it's not ideal, the recovery is sooooo much easier for a LARGE majority of the people.
