6.21.2010 - and we wait. and wait.

A couple years ago in our first round of waiting-for-baby days, Eric asked me to try not to have Travis during the 16th-18th.  I laughed at first, because that would mean he'd be up to a week late.  He was born on the 17th. 

So when Eric asked me not to have Baby Brother last Tuesday, I thought surely I would.  Nope.

I didn't want Baby Brother to be born on Travis' birthday.  So I thought surely he would.  Nope.

A baby on Father's Day?  Nope.

And so... we wait.

Over the past few days I've gotten insanely itchy.  Sometimes, like at 3:00 this morning, just itchy on my hands and feet.  Sometimes it's all over.  I know from the experiences of friends and family, and, I admit, from some Googling (bad, bad idea) that itching can be nothing (i.e. possible pregnancy symptom #843) or it can be pretty serious.  So I'm headed back to the doc in a little while, just to be safe.

6.18.2010 - 39w

Well, we made it to 39!  Platelets are back up in the low-but-safe range after 2 weeks of steroids.  Let's hope they stay that way until delivery!

6.15.2010 - 38.5 weeks

Had my weekly checkup and pre-op visit for the scheduled c-section that I hope we don't need.  I was very disappointed to hear that I've made no progress since last week's visit.  Still at 1-2cm and 50%.   I haven't gained any weight in the past 2-3 weeks.  Baby's heartrate was right on target.  Doc put me on antibiotics since I'm not doing a very good job of kicking this congestion on my own.  He doesn't want any infections lingering around if I end up needing the c-section.  They checked my hemoglobin via finger prick - it was fine. I'd rather give a vial of blood (which I also did) than have my finger pricked.  I'd rather do a lot of things than have my finger pricked.  I'll find out my platelet count tomorrow.  I have no more scheduled appointments until I show up either in labor or for the scheduled eviction.  Except to meet with the anesthesia people the day before the eviction.  Until then... we wait.

6.11.2010 - 38w

Will we get to 39?!

6.10.2010 - almost 38w

38w checkup today.  I'm one day shy of 38 weeks.  I had some pretty severe back pain and cramps last night so I opted to be "checked" today to see if any progress was being made.  I'm 2cm and 50% thinned!  And what does that mean?  That I could have a baby this afternoon.  Or in 2 weeks.  Baby's heartrate was in the 150s - perfect!  We discussed antibiotics for this cold/plague I've got again.  Since my lungs sound clear and I've already taken a Z-pack twice during this pregnancy we chose to wait it out.  Sudafed is taking the edge off enough to get a little sleep.  But the steroids, sporadic back pain, bathroom breaks, heartburn, and congestion all combined make for some pretty lousy sleeping these days.  I slept great from about 10-2 last night.  Then I tossed and turned with the back pain until 3.  Then I went downstairs and watched tv for a while.  I eventually went back to sleep and got in another hour or two before it was time to start the day.

They didn't check my platelets since I've only taken half the steroids.  They will check next week (if I'm still pregnant).  Until then... we wait!

6.8.2010 - sick

I'll go ahead and admit it.  I'm throwing myself a pity party.  I am sick.  And I'm miserable.  I hope it's just a summer cold that passes before Baby Brother arrives.  I've felt kind of yucky that past few mornings but then was mostly ok during the days.  But last night and today it has hit full force.  Stuffy head, raw throat, burning eyes.  Travis is a little congested and wheezy, too.  We've been giving him extra breathing treatments and his moods are all over the map.  Happy one second, throwing a tantrum the next.  Pushes away his breakfast but then asks for fruit snacks 10 minutes later.  And then throws a tantrum when I say no.  But that's par for the course around here -- Travis and I are sick and Eric is fine.  I'm sure it's some lovely germ Travis brought home from school.  And for the icing on the cake, Travis came marching in our room this morning at 5:50am.  Usually he sleeps until at least 6:30 (closer to 7 most days) and stays in his bed until we come to get him.

I did have some contractions last night.  Nothing too regular and nothing that took my breath away.  They mostly stopped after I took a nap while Eric and Travis were at the grocery store.  I just need a few more days for the meds to work to get my platelets up and for this cold funk to pass. 

6.4.2010 - 37w

Full term today!  I saw my regular OB yesterday - my favorite one, again, 3 times in a row!  He got me started on the meds to get my platelets up.  I also found out he's the doc on call to do my c-section if we get to the eviction date with no spontaneous labor.  He reassured me that if my platelets do not come up high enough and we end up needing a c-section under general anesthesia that he's done it "hundreds of times" and, from a medical standpoint, it's not a big deal.  But he understands that from my point of view it is a big deal.  Eric would not be able to be in the OR (he was with me for Travis' c-section and then went with Travis until I was reassembled) and obviously I'd miss BabyBrother's first cry and not get to see him for a couple hours.  But we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.

6.2.2010 - The verdict

Went to see a specialist today per my doctor's request.  My platelets last week were way low.  Not like bleed.to.death.from.a.papercut low, but low enough to where anesthesiologists would refuse to give me an epidural due to potential complications.  If I have a nice easy VBAC, no big deal (ha! remind me later that I said that).  But if I were to end up needing another c-section and couldn't have an epidural I would have to be put under general anesthesia.  No thank you! 

So... I've been put on steroids from now until delivery.  That should bump up my platelet count enough to where an epidural is safe if/when it's needed.  Being on the meds for such a short time (3 weeks or less) will not affect the baby. If I go into labor in the next week... no epidural - natural VBAC or c-section under general anesthesia.  So let's hope Baby Brother hangs in there until at least 38 weeks!  I'm not going to demand an epidural the moment we walk into L&D.  But I'd like to have it as an option.

The specialist also recommended I see a hematologist after I've recovered from this delivery.  He thinks this may be a chronic problem, not just pregnancy related.  We shall see.


It's June.  Baby is due this month!

Results are back and they're bad.  More to come later.