6.4.2010 - 37w

Full term today!  I saw my regular OB yesterday - my favorite one, again, 3 times in a row!  He got me started on the meds to get my platelets up.  I also found out he's the doc on call to do my c-section if we get to the eviction date with no spontaneous labor.  He reassured me that if my platelets do not come up high enough and we end up needing a c-section under general anesthesia that he's done it "hundreds of times" and, from a medical standpoint, it's not a big deal.  But he understands that from my point of view it is a big deal.  Eric would not be able to be in the OR (he was with me for Travis' c-section and then went with Travis until I was reassembled) and obviously I'd miss BabyBrother's first cry and not get to see him for a couple hours.  But we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.

1 comment:

  1. Sending you tons of hugs. I can imagine the range of emotion you're going through right now as nothing seems really ideal. Keeping my figers crossed though that baby brother will wait long enough and that you'll go into labor on your own so that you can have your VBAC, but also have the option of the epidural if you decide you want it!

    Sending you the healthiest and ideal birth vibes!!!
