3.26.2010 - 27w

HR = 150s
my weight = ...nevermind

I go back in 2 weeks for the glucose test (for diabetes) and to have my blood levels checked (re: platelets and/or anemia)

Discussed VBAC some more with another doc.  My current plan is to schedule a c-section a few days after the due date... and hope that I go into spontaneous labor on my own before then.  The jury is out on how successful I might be - obviously no one knows.  But they will not induce (I already knew that). 

Less than 3 months to go!  BabyBrother is very active these days and has found my ribs on the right side.  I've had a few contractions here and there but I think it's just Braxton Hicks.  (I never had those with Travis).  Obviously I mentioned it to the doctor and she told me the signs for "when to call".


  1. So cute! As always!!!!! Sounds like a good plan with the VBAC if you go into labor, c/s a few days after your due date if not! How ya feeling? Do you feel bigger/same, as with Travis at this point?

  2. Thanks :) This pregnancy has been a little rougher than the first but still nothing too bad. I think part of it is trying to keep up with a toddler while toting around this belly! I feel a little bigger but I'm also carrying this one differently and not quite as comfortably as Travis. He's all up in my ribs/lungs when I sit and feels like he's going to fall out when I stand up! But I'm still enjoying it, regardless! This little guy is very active - more so than I remember with Travis. Not the giant kicks and jabs - just busy and wiggly. I constantly feel him shifting and rearranging. I can't beleive I'm in the home stretch!
