4.29.10 - negative!

The fetal fibronectin test came back negative!  So the chances of preterm labor in the immediate future are very slim.  Whew!

4.28.10 - a little scare

I'm all for BabyBrother coming a week or two early.  But not 8 weeks early.   Every once in a while I have a sharp pain in my lower abdomen like I'm being pinched.  Today I was having them every few minutes for several hours.  I drank some water and layed down for a while and they didn't get any better.  Perhaps a little worse.  So off to the doctor I went.   Of course by the time I got there the pains had stopped.  But I still felt a little weird.  The doctor gave me a good once over and said everything looks fine and there are no physical signs of preterm labor.  He also did a test (fetal fibronectin) which will detect a protein that can be an indicator of impending labor.  If it comes back negative the chances that I'd go into labor in the next 2 weeks are pretty slim.  If it comes back positive it doesn't necessarily mean I will go into labor, but the chances are higher.  In that case they'll run some more tests, do an ultrasound, etc.  I've had a few more of the pains since going to the doctor but not the same frequency/severity as earlier today.  Hopefully I'll hear tomorrow that the test is negative!

4.23.10 - 31w

Baby and I checked out great this morning.  His heartrate is in the 150s and he punched the heart monitor.   He is breech.  I think he was sideways for a litle while yesterday - it was not terribly comfortable for me but he finally got situated after a few hours and is now head-up.  Not time to worry yet - he still has room to move around and time to turn.  I do remember, however, that Travis was head-down by 28 weeks and, to my knowledge, never moved from that. 

I'm still sick - going on a month now.   The antibiotics didn't help much.  The OB thinks I've developed allergies.  I gave in and took a Sudafed last night and was able to sleep ALL night!  Eric didn't want to wake me at bedtime so I slept all night propped up on the couch downstairs.  Not ideal, but I'll take it!   Amazing what a good night's sleep can do.  Sleep has been very elusive the past few weeks.  The doctor said it's fine to keep taking Sudafed or Claritin until I'm over this.   I won't take them around the clock but I will take one at night if that what it takes for me to be able to breathe so I can sleep!


4.16.2010 - 30w

30 down, 10 (or less) to go.

Been sick again for a few weeks.  Went to the doc today.  A sinus infection.  Again.  Bronchitis.  Again.  A Z-pack.  Again.   Oh joy. 


Test results...
Glucose = pass!  no gestational diabetes.
Platelets = low, again.  In the gray area.  Not dangerously low but not ideal.
Hemoglobin (indicator of anemia) = improved.  My slight diet changes and occasional iron supplements were enough to get me back up to the preferred minimum.  (I was just barely below the recommended level last time.)

4.9.2010 - 29w

Took my glucose test this morning - hope I passed!  If all is well I won't hear anything until my next appointment in 2 weeks.  If I fail, they'll let me know early next week and I'll have to take a 3-hour test for gestational diabetes.  They also took blood for a full screening - platelets, anemia, etc.  I should get those results early next week, too, if anything is alarming.   I'll probably find out at my next appointment when my c-section is scheduled - but still hoping for spontaneous labor before it comes to that!  The doctor I saw today is the one that delivered Travis (via c-section) and he's very supportive of my "let's hope for VBAC" plan.  He also prescribed for me to take it easy from now until the delivery and go to the pool when it opens - he's my kind of doc! 

I'm outgrowing my picture shirt!