4.23.10 - 31w

Baby and I checked out great this morning.  His heartrate is in the 150s and he punched the heart monitor.   He is breech.  I think he was sideways for a litle while yesterday - it was not terribly comfortable for me but he finally got situated after a few hours and is now head-up.  Not time to worry yet - he still has room to move around and time to turn.  I do remember, however, that Travis was head-down by 28 weeks and, to my knowledge, never moved from that. 

I'm still sick - going on a month now.   The antibiotics didn't help much.  The OB thinks I've developed allergies.  I gave in and took a Sudafed last night and was able to sleep ALL night!  Eric didn't want to wake me at bedtime so I slept all night propped up on the couch downstairs.  Not ideal, but I'll take it!   Amazing what a good night's sleep can do.  Sleep has been very elusive the past few weeks.  The doctor said it's fine to keep taking Sudafed or Claritin until I'm over this.   I won't take them around the clock but I will take one at night if that what it takes for me to be able to breathe so I can sleep!


1 comment:

  1. Super cute belly!

    Sorry to hear you've been so sick!! NO FUN!
