5.22.2010 - What are the chances?!

Several months ago when we first found out that Baby #2 would be Baby Brother, my mom (Meemaw) and I were in BabiesRUs looking at double strollers and bought two boy outfits while we were there.  Here is what we got... 

Today my fabulous in-laws hosted a family baby luncheon for BabyBrother.  It was great to sit around and eat and talk about babies, weddings, etc.  I opened a gift from Eric's mom (Granny) and Papa James and what did I find...

No, I'm not kidding.  Same two outfits!  Of all the baby clothes out there, we had picked out the same two outfits for Baby Brother!

And it gets better.  Eric's cousin, Candace, brought a birthday gift for Travis.  I didn't open it during lunch but I did peek in it when I got home, fully intending to wait until Travis' birthday to actually open it.  But what did I find? 

None other than the "Big Brother" t-shirt match to the "Little Brother" onesies from above.  I had been looking for this shirt ever since I bought the first Little Brother onesie back in February but had not been able to find it.

What are the chances?! 

1 comment:

  1. Too funny!!!! Good thing little ones need to be changed a million times a day, you'll probably need both sets of both of those shirts, especially the Little Brother one, you know something always happens to an outfit when you intend on using it for pictures! :) :) So funny!!!!
