6.22.2010 - Justin is born!

Baby Brother Justin is here!   He was waiting to be born on the Tuesday after Father's Day, just like his Big Brother Travis.

And so this site ends and Justin will join the main page with Travis.  Justin's birth story is linked on the sidebar of the main page.   

6.21.2010 - and we wait. and wait.

A couple years ago in our first round of waiting-for-baby days, Eric asked me to try not to have Travis during the 16th-18th.  I laughed at first, because that would mean he'd be up to a week late.  He was born on the 17th. 

So when Eric asked me not to have Baby Brother last Tuesday, I thought surely I would.  Nope.

I didn't want Baby Brother to be born on Travis' birthday.  So I thought surely he would.  Nope.

A baby on Father's Day?  Nope.

And so... we wait.

Over the past few days I've gotten insanely itchy.  Sometimes, like at 3:00 this morning, just itchy on my hands and feet.  Sometimes it's all over.  I know from the experiences of friends and family, and, I admit, from some Googling (bad, bad idea) that itching can be nothing (i.e. possible pregnancy symptom #843) or it can be pretty serious.  So I'm headed back to the doc in a little while, just to be safe.

6.18.2010 - 39w

Well, we made it to 39!  Platelets are back up in the low-but-safe range after 2 weeks of steroids.  Let's hope they stay that way until delivery!

6.15.2010 - 38.5 weeks

Had my weekly checkup and pre-op visit for the scheduled c-section that I hope we don't need.  I was very disappointed to hear that I've made no progress since last week's visit.  Still at 1-2cm and 50%.   I haven't gained any weight in the past 2-3 weeks.  Baby's heartrate was right on target.  Doc put me on antibiotics since I'm not doing a very good job of kicking this congestion on my own.  He doesn't want any infections lingering around if I end up needing the c-section.  They checked my hemoglobin via finger prick - it was fine. I'd rather give a vial of blood (which I also did) than have my finger pricked.  I'd rather do a lot of things than have my finger pricked.  I'll find out my platelet count tomorrow.  I have no more scheduled appointments until I show up either in labor or for the scheduled eviction.  Except to meet with the anesthesia people the day before the eviction.  Until then... we wait.

6.11.2010 - 38w

Will we get to 39?!

6.10.2010 - almost 38w

38w checkup today.  I'm one day shy of 38 weeks.  I had some pretty severe back pain and cramps last night so I opted to be "checked" today to see if any progress was being made.  I'm 2cm and 50% thinned!  And what does that mean?  That I could have a baby this afternoon.  Or in 2 weeks.  Baby's heartrate was in the 150s - perfect!  We discussed antibiotics for this cold/plague I've got again.  Since my lungs sound clear and I've already taken a Z-pack twice during this pregnancy we chose to wait it out.  Sudafed is taking the edge off enough to get a little sleep.  But the steroids, sporadic back pain, bathroom breaks, heartburn, and congestion all combined make for some pretty lousy sleeping these days.  I slept great from about 10-2 last night.  Then I tossed and turned with the back pain until 3.  Then I went downstairs and watched tv for a while.  I eventually went back to sleep and got in another hour or two before it was time to start the day.

They didn't check my platelets since I've only taken half the steroids.  They will check next week (if I'm still pregnant).  Until then... we wait!

6.8.2010 - sick

I'll go ahead and admit it.  I'm throwing myself a pity party.  I am sick.  And I'm miserable.  I hope it's just a summer cold that passes before Baby Brother arrives.  I've felt kind of yucky that past few mornings but then was mostly ok during the days.  But last night and today it has hit full force.  Stuffy head, raw throat, burning eyes.  Travis is a little congested and wheezy, too.  We've been giving him extra breathing treatments and his moods are all over the map.  Happy one second, throwing a tantrum the next.  Pushes away his breakfast but then asks for fruit snacks 10 minutes later.  And then throws a tantrum when I say no.  But that's par for the course around here -- Travis and I are sick and Eric is fine.  I'm sure it's some lovely germ Travis brought home from school.  And for the icing on the cake, Travis came marching in our room this morning at 5:50am.  Usually he sleeps until at least 6:30 (closer to 7 most days) and stays in his bed until we come to get him.

I did have some contractions last night.  Nothing too regular and nothing that took my breath away.  They mostly stopped after I took a nap while Eric and Travis were at the grocery store.  I just need a few more days for the meds to work to get my platelets up and for this cold funk to pass. 

6.4.2010 - 37w

Full term today!  I saw my regular OB yesterday - my favorite one, again, 3 times in a row!  He got me started on the meds to get my platelets up.  I also found out he's the doc on call to do my c-section if we get to the eviction date with no spontaneous labor.  He reassured me that if my platelets do not come up high enough and we end up needing a c-section under general anesthesia that he's done it "hundreds of times" and, from a medical standpoint, it's not a big deal.  But he understands that from my point of view it is a big deal.  Eric would not be able to be in the OR (he was with me for Travis' c-section and then went with Travis until I was reassembled) and obviously I'd miss BabyBrother's first cry and not get to see him for a couple hours.  But we'll cross that bridge if we get to it.

6.2.2010 - The verdict

Went to see a specialist today per my doctor's request.  My platelets last week were way low.  Not like bleed.to.death.from.a.papercut low, but low enough to where anesthesiologists would refuse to give me an epidural due to potential complications.  If I have a nice easy VBAC, no big deal (ha! remind me later that I said that).  But if I were to end up needing another c-section and couldn't have an epidural I would have to be put under general anesthesia.  No thank you! 

So... I've been put on steroids from now until delivery.  That should bump up my platelet count enough to where an epidural is safe if/when it's needed.  Being on the meds for such a short time (3 weeks or less) will not affect the baby. If I go into labor in the next week... no epidural - natural VBAC or c-section under general anesthesia.  So let's hope Baby Brother hangs in there until at least 38 weeks!  I'm not going to demand an epidural the moment we walk into L&D.  But I'd like to have it as an option.

The specialist also recommended I see a hematologist after I've recovered from this delivery.  He thinks this may be a chronic problem, not just pregnancy related.  We shall see.


It's June.  Baby is due this month!

Results are back and they're bad.  More to come later.

5.27.10 - almost 36 weeks

Went for my 36 week checkup today, 1 day shy of 36 weeks.  I go weekly now - oh joy!  Baby sounds good and is still head down.  Drew blood to check my platelet and anemia status.  Hopefully I'll hear back tomorrow that all is well in both areas.  And that nothing else weird has popped up.

Discussed VBAC some more - that's still the plan if I go into labor on my own before my due date.  I asked about labor augmentation.  (Induction is when they cause labor to start.   As I've said before, my docs won't do that after a prior c-section.  Augmentation is when labor starts on it's own but then, for whatever reason, needs a jolt to get going again.)  I was augmented with Travis -- I went into labor but then stalled at 4cm.  Aggressive augmentation (i.e. re-breaking my water and high doses of pitocin) didn't help at all, hence the c-section.  If augmentation is needed this time they will be very cautious and we (baby and I) will be under intense monitoring.  Although the doctor I saw today (my favorite one, again) said some docs in the practice will not give any pitocin at all after a prior c-section.  So we shall see.  When all is said and done, I just want a safe delivery and healthy baby. 

5.22.2010 - What are the chances?!

Several months ago when we first found out that Baby #2 would be Baby Brother, my mom (Meemaw) and I were in BabiesRUs looking at double strollers and bought two boy outfits while we were there.  Here is what we got... 

Today my fabulous in-laws hosted a family baby luncheon for BabyBrother.  It was great to sit around and eat and talk about babies, weddings, etc.  I opened a gift from Eric's mom (Granny) and Papa James and what did I find...

No, I'm not kidding.  Same two outfits!  Of all the baby clothes out there, we had picked out the same two outfits for Baby Brother!

And it gets better.  Eric's cousin, Candace, brought a birthday gift for Travis.  I didn't open it during lunch but I did peek in it when I got home, fully intending to wait until Travis' birthday to actually open it.  But what did I find? 

None other than the "Big Brother" t-shirt match to the "Little Brother" onesies from above.  I had been looking for this shirt ever since I bought the first Little Brother onesie back in February but had not been able to find it.

What are the chances?! 

5.21.2010 - 35w!

35 weeks down, 35 DAYS (or less) to go!   Baby and I had a checkup this morning.  Baby is great.  He's still head down and the doc estimates he'll be about a "seven-and-a-half-pounder."  We saw my favorite doctor - the one who delivered Travis.  He always makes me feel good.  He told me my belly looks great and that my weight gain and proportions are just what he likes to see.  "That's a fine looking tummy - you're doing great".  I metioned how uncomfortable I've gotten in the past few weeks.  I was expecting the "that's typical in pregnancy, second pregnancies, blah blah blah" spiel.  But he took me pretty seriously and started asking more specific questions about how/where/when the discomfort is.  Turns out it's a genuine ailment - pubic symphysis diastasis.  Simply put, the joint in the front of my pelvis has separated.  There is nothing really I can do to relieve it.  Other than move slowly and cautiously.  And go to the pool.  And try not to do things that make it hurt.  But since that includes putting on pants, I can't completely avoid all the triggers!  My blood pressure has crept up a tiny bit.  It's not high.  It's actually pretty normal, but mine is usually low.  It's nothing to worry about as long as it doesn't get really high.

5.10.2010 - the nursery!

Meemaw and Peepaw's baby gift to us was to paint the nursery and put up crown moulding.  They finished today and it's beautiful!  Thanks Meemaw and Peepaw!  Same bedding and color scheme as Travis' room, but a lighter blue for the walls.  Now I just need to wash some itty-bitty clothes, put a sheet in the crib, and do a little decorating and we'll be ready for Baby Brother! 

5.7.2010 - 33w

Another checkup.  I lost a pound since last week.  I guess it's because my stomach is running out of room and I get really uncomfortable after eating more than a few bites of food.  Heartburn, which I managed to skip completely with Travis, is pretty much a daily occurrence.  And I can never think of anything I want to eat.  Food is a touchy subject around here.  I remember losing weight towards the end with Travis, too.  But it seems like that was more around the 37-38 week mark.   The doctor and I were talking about my semi-emergency visit last week for possible early labor.  She said it's typical in second pregnancies to have more discomfort and labor-ish pains towards the end.  I laughed and said I think I've had a little more of everything with this pregnancy.  

Baby and I checked out well.  And the doc was pretty sure he's head down!   His heart rate was in the 140s and he was lumped over to one side when she was measuring my belly.  The lopsided belly effect is in full swing.  This baby seems to prefer my left side.  I think I remember Travis preferring the right side. 

I had a long talk with Travis the other night about the baby in my belly.  I was explaining how this baby would be our baby to keep, that he'd be Travis' brother, that he'd be coming to live with us, that we'd share our toys, etc.  Travis seemed to be hanging on every word I was saying.  So to see if anything was sinking in I asked him "Travis, who is in mommy's tummy?"   He thought for a second and then shouted "Miam!"  (refferring to his BFF Liam).  No sweetheart, Liam is at his house with his mommy and daddy.  Your baby brother is in my tummy.  He just giggled.  So I'm pretty sure he is still blissfully oblivious to this whole baby brother concept.

4.29.10 - negative!

The fetal fibronectin test came back negative!  So the chances of preterm labor in the immediate future are very slim.  Whew!

4.28.10 - a little scare

I'm all for BabyBrother coming a week or two early.  But not 8 weeks early.   Every once in a while I have a sharp pain in my lower abdomen like I'm being pinched.  Today I was having them every few minutes for several hours.  I drank some water and layed down for a while and they didn't get any better.  Perhaps a little worse.  So off to the doctor I went.   Of course by the time I got there the pains had stopped.  But I still felt a little weird.  The doctor gave me a good once over and said everything looks fine and there are no physical signs of preterm labor.  He also did a test (fetal fibronectin) which will detect a protein that can be an indicator of impending labor.  If it comes back negative the chances that I'd go into labor in the next 2 weeks are pretty slim.  If it comes back positive it doesn't necessarily mean I will go into labor, but the chances are higher.  In that case they'll run some more tests, do an ultrasound, etc.  I've had a few more of the pains since going to the doctor but not the same frequency/severity as earlier today.  Hopefully I'll hear tomorrow that the test is negative!

4.23.10 - 31w

Baby and I checked out great this morning.  His heartrate is in the 150s and he punched the heart monitor.   He is breech.  I think he was sideways for a litle while yesterday - it was not terribly comfortable for me but he finally got situated after a few hours and is now head-up.  Not time to worry yet - he still has room to move around and time to turn.  I do remember, however, that Travis was head-down by 28 weeks and, to my knowledge, never moved from that. 

I'm still sick - going on a month now.   The antibiotics didn't help much.  The OB thinks I've developed allergies.  I gave in and took a Sudafed last night and was able to sleep ALL night!  Eric didn't want to wake me at bedtime so I slept all night propped up on the couch downstairs.  Not ideal, but I'll take it!   Amazing what a good night's sleep can do.  Sleep has been very elusive the past few weeks.  The doctor said it's fine to keep taking Sudafed or Claritin until I'm over this.   I won't take them around the clock but I will take one at night if that what it takes for me to be able to breathe so I can sleep!


4.16.2010 - 30w

30 down, 10 (or less) to go.

Been sick again for a few weeks.  Went to the doc today.  A sinus infection.  Again.  Bronchitis.  Again.  A Z-pack.  Again.   Oh joy. 


Test results...
Glucose = pass!  no gestational diabetes.
Platelets = low, again.  In the gray area.  Not dangerously low but not ideal.
Hemoglobin (indicator of anemia) = improved.  My slight diet changes and occasional iron supplements were enough to get me back up to the preferred minimum.  (I was just barely below the recommended level last time.)

4.9.2010 - 29w

Took my glucose test this morning - hope I passed!  If all is well I won't hear anything until my next appointment in 2 weeks.  If I fail, they'll let me know early next week and I'll have to take a 3-hour test for gestational diabetes.  They also took blood for a full screening - platelets, anemia, etc.  I should get those results early next week, too, if anything is alarming.   I'll probably find out at my next appointment when my c-section is scheduled - but still hoping for spontaneous labor before it comes to that!  The doctor I saw today is the one that delivered Travis (via c-section) and he's very supportive of my "let's hope for VBAC" plan.  He also prescribed for me to take it easy from now until the delivery and go to the pool when it opens - he's my kind of doc! 

I'm outgrowing my picture shirt!

3.26.2010 - 27w

HR = 150s
my weight = ...nevermind

I go back in 2 weeks for the glucose test (for diabetes) and to have my blood levels checked (re: platelets and/or anemia)

Discussed VBAC some more with another doc.  My current plan is to schedule a c-section a few days after the due date... and hope that I go into spontaneous labor on my own before then.  The jury is out on how successful I might be - obviously no one knows.  But they will not induce (I already knew that). 

Less than 3 months to go!  BabyBrother is very active these days and has found my ribs on the right side.  I've had a few contractions here and there but I think it's just Braxton Hicks.  (I never had those with Travis).  Obviously I mentioned it to the doctor and she told me the signs for "when to call".

3.15.2010 - lab results

My platelets are back up to normal - yayyy!   But now I'm anemic - booo.   So I've got to start taking iron supplements.  Oh joy.  But at least this explains why I'm so tired all the time and why I've been having more-frequent-than-usual headaches.   Regardless, the end result (i.e. BabyBrother) is more than worth the minor and temporary setbacks.

3.12.2010 - 25w

Had my platelets drawn this morning but won't know the results until next week.   Below is the comparison from pregnancy with Travis.  I had just chopped off my hair (the first time - it continued to get shorter through the pregnancy).  While I'm not crazy about my current hair situation, I don't plan to chop it off again this time.

3.8.2010 - 24w and sick

I am sick.  Going on 10 days now.  Stuffy head, coughing, etc.  I tried not to complain.  I kept thinking it's just a cold... it will go away.   Over the weekend my eyes and teeth started hurting and I realized it was not just a cold.  So I finally went to the doctor this morning and got some antibiotics.  I hate taking medicine when I'm pregnant.  But I took a Z-pack for strep when I was pregnant with Travis.  And now I'm taking a Z-pack this time for a sinus infection and some sort of respiratory infection.  I'm supposed to be asleep right now.  I took the afternoon off work to rest.  But I'm so stuffed up I can't relax or fall asleep.  I've tried saline spray.  It helps a little.  For a few minutes.  Then it's back to zero air movement through my nose.  If I sound like I'm complaining now... I am.  This is so miserable. 

3.2.2010 - Moving belly

I have reached the moving belly stage!  It seems like it has come much earlier than it did with Travis.  While laying in bed watching tv this past weekend, not only could we feel him move but we (yes, Eric too!) could see knees/elbows/feet poking out here and there.  Of course it's not extreme yet - he still has lots of room to move around in there so we just see a lump here, a lump there, and then it's smooth again.  I remember towards the end with Travis my belly would morph and contort into all kinds of weird shapes as he rearranged himself.  Some days I even had corners.

2.26.2010 - 23w belly shot and a checkup

heartrate = 140ish

Found out I'm not a good candidate for a VBAC (G.oo.gle it if you're not sure).  Since I couldn't deliver a 7 pounder the first time, chances are that my bones just aren't designed for delivering babies.  But I still have plenty of time to consider my options.

Platelet recheck in 2 weeks.  If they are too low at delivery I can't have an epidural or spinal.  Not sure how that would work if I end up with a c-section.  That's something I don't want to worry about right now.  Hopefully my level will come back up towards the end like it did with Travis.

Thought I had lost a couple pounds this month.  But then the nurse said the batteries in the scale I had used might be getting low. So I got on another scale to discover yet another 4 pound weight gain for the month!   I think that brings me to 13 pounds total weight gain in 23 weeks.

Here's the belly...

Funny story about today's appointment...
Apparently my doctor's office was really behind schedule this morning.  And I actually arrived about 15 minutes early. They let me go ahead back and pee in a cup anyway- they know not to make pregnant girls wait to use the potty!  While I was back there, a nurse from the lab said "oh just come on back and I'll check your BP and weight now".    After that, instead of sending me back to the waiting room, she sent me on to the waiting chairs in the back, by the docs' offices and exam rooms, and put my chart in the little bin outside my doc's door.  It still wasn't even my original appointment time.  I saw my doc racing around from room to room.  She even said "Sorry for the wait, guys, it's a little crazy on Fridays".   I didn't think much of it.  I kept reading my Baby magazine.  I noticed a girl outside another door must have been waiting a while and seemed impatient.   A few minutes later my doc looked at me and said "Heather, come on in...".   She was tinkering with my chart and seemed a little confused for a second and said "You're not Heather R___ you're Heather M___ right?"    Yep, that's me.  So she tinkered with her weird laptop tablet pc thing (they've recently switched to electronic charts)  Ok, there you are... and my appointment continued.  I finished my appointment and then had a visit with the insurance lady to discuss what insurance pays, how much I owe, blah blah blah for the entire pregnancy and delivery process.  I came out of that appointment and random girl in the hall was still waiting.  I went to the desk to pay and schedule my next appointments.  As I walked away, random girl from the hall was now behind me at the desk and I hear her say in a huff "I'm going to need to reschedule.  This is ridiculous.  I've been waiting well over an hour and I need to get back to work...".   The girls behind the desk of course were a little flustered and scrambling.   Then I heard them ask her name... Heather R___ !  Ooooops.  They called me back for her appointment.  So I waited like 10 minutes and she had been waiting for almost an hour and a half.   Sorry Heather R!

2.09.2010 - Platelet results

No surprise... they are low.  Not below the critical level, but lower than they like to see.   And lower than the original check early in pregnancy.  We'll recheck again in a few weeks. 

2.5.2010 - Half way there!

Today is 20 weeks!  20 down, 20 to go.  I'm hoping Baby Boy comes sometime really close to his actual due date.  If he's 8 days early, he'll be born on Travis' birthday.   I don't want that.  Of course if it happens there is not much I can do about it, but it's definitely not my first choice.  Eric thinks it would be fun because later in life they can say they are twins born 2 years apart - ha!   And the whole 6-days-past-the-due-date business that Travis pulled, well that's just not necessary either. 

2.3.2010 - Bumps in the road


Bump #1… After a few weeks of minor leg pain it reached the excruciating point last night. I called the OB on call and, since I didn't have any swelling or discoloration, he prescribed Tylenol, a hot bath, and to make an appointment in the morning. He did say I was welcome to come see him in L&D at the hospital but that he didn't think it was necessary (due to the lack of swelling/discoloration). Since going to the hospital would mean getting Travis up in the middle of the night, I chose to wait until the morning. After a terrible night of sleep I woke up with moderate leg pain that started getting worse as soon as I got out of bed. Long story short, after seeing an OB and my GP, we're thinking it's a pinched nerve. The doc gave me some pointers on how sit to not aggravate it more and prescribed a narcotic, which I have no plans of taking. The OB will refer me to a physical therapist if I continue to have issues.   I'm feeling better tonight after putting some of the pointers into practice.  We'll see how it goes.

Bump #2… I had low platelets while I was pregnant with Travis. There is a big fancy name for it… gestational thrombocytopenia… but it’s much easier to call it low platelets.  Cause that’s what it is. It didn’t occur until about mid-way through the pregnancy and they fixed themselves right before he was born.  Come pregnancy #2, I had low platelets when they did my first prenatal bloodwork at 6-8 weeks.  Not dangerously low, just slightly below the preferred level. They attempted to recheck them last week at the big ultrasound appointment. But I found out today the results are inconclusive. Apparently my platelets clumped up and could not be counted – the doc said this usually means they are low. So they took more blood today to try again. I guess we’ll find out in a day or two how low

1.29.2010 - Belly shot - 19w

1.29.2010 - IT'S A...


The gender is in my possession in a sealed envelope... will open later tonight!
update: IT'S A BOY!!

Baby is breech.  Not a big deal at this point.  Baby had its knees curled up against its belly most of the time, like it was doing a somersalt.  He/she was very active during the ultrasound!

Measured at 19w5d.  Weight = 12oz  Heartrate=155

Hi guys!

alien face and a leg

12.31.2009 - 14w6d

heard baby's heartbeat on doppler - 150-something
anatomy scan set for 1.29.2010!!